Synthesizing Meaning@IT_VilniusTech

Synthesizing Meaning@IT_VilniusTech

AI systems such as DALL·E  or  it’s open source counterpart Stable Diffusion, are captivating the masses with their stunning, maybe even eerie capability of translating text to images. A text prompt like “a potato wearing a wig” can be translated into a convincing image within seconds,…

(dis-)embodied minds at KISD

(dis-)embodied minds at KISD

Designers in the silicon age proficiently mediate between the visceral and digital realms, when designing with and around technology. But how exactly do we reconcile disembodied technologies such as AI, with those aspects of the design profession that emphasize and often rely on tacit knowledge, gained…

Synthesizing Meaning at KHM

Synthesizing Meaning at KHM

Designers of the silicon age proficiently mediate between the visceral and digital realms, when designing with and around technology. But how exactly do we reconcile disembodied technologies such as AI, with those aspects of the design profession that emphasize and often rely on tacit knowledge, gained…

Synthesizing Meaning @Hochschule Rhein Main

Synthesizing Meaning @Hochschule Rhein Main

/ Mehrwert und Inhalte Aneignung KI-gestützer Gestaltungstechniken | Mensch-Maschine Co-Kreation | Posthumanismus | Ergründung technologie unabhängiger Fähigkeiten | Speculative Design | KI und Verkörperung | Workflows mit angewandter KI | Zukunftsvisionen | Posthuman Monsters | Kursbeschreibung Synthesizing Meaning Designerinnen des digitalen Zeitalters vermitteln mit Expertise zwischen den viszeralen und…