Hi, I’m Laura!
currently I’m working as a research associate in the research project KITeGG, where we develop teaching formats to sustainably anchor applied AI into the education of designers. Together with my creative partner Lisa Marleen Mantel, I conduct workshops about AI and creativity.

  • CV

MAR 2022 – NOW

KISD – International School of Design
Research Associate

Working as member of the research project KITeGG on the shared goal to integrate teaching AI into design education. Teaching the seminar (dis-) embodied minds – AI, creativity and collaboration and co-heading the Lab of living Objects at KISD.

MAY 2021 – FEB 2022

Cologne Cobots Lab, TH Köln
Student research assistant

3D Animation, supporting the design and concept of an artificial AI customer support agent that is developed at CCL in cooperation with german railway company (Deutsche Bahn), concept and development of surveys and assistance in evaluating those.

9 hrs./week
8 months

APR 2021 – FEB 2022

KISD – International School of Design
Student research assistant

Creation of exercises using Machine Learning techniques: model training and inference experiments using StyleGAN2, StyleGAN3 with Python and Anaconda. Text Generation with CharRNN, creation of Jupyter Notebooks to make Machine Learning methods moreaccessible to students. Exercises and tutorials for using command line interfaces i.e. Anaconda prompt.
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Scherffig, Prof. Dr. Popplow

8 hrs./week
9 months

JAN 2018 – AUG 2019

Fraunhofer IPT
Student research assistant

Design and programming for multi-touch surfaces with object recognition (Visual Studio, C++) | 3D art and animation (Blender, Unity 3D) | 3D printing (Siemens NX) | Video post production | Interactive CSS and Html elements

17 hrs./week
1yr. 8 mos.

AUG 2017 – JAN 2018

Surbana Jurong Consulting
Student internship (ECTS Credited)

Assisting in simulation setup (architecture) | Editing of floor plans and architectural models in Autodesk | concept and programming of interactive workflows and templates for task automation in Excel (Visual basic) | creation of 3D-Renderings | Research and preperation of pitches and presentations

44 hrs./week
5 months

SEP 2011 – SEP 2012

RWTH Machine Tool Laboratory WZL
Student research assistant

Creation of interactive learning materials and videos for online learning in the mechanical engineering department.

12 hrs./week
1yr. 4 months

OCT 2016 – DEC 2016

Content moderator

Cheap student labour, identifying and removing user content that violated the platforms guidlines.
I warmly recommend the arte documentary ‘the cleaners’ at this point.

8 hrs./week
3 months

APR 2014 – JUL 2014
Russian Federation

ЦСМ, Псков
Design intern

Providing care for adults with autism

40 hrs./week
3 months

JAN 2018 – AUG 2019

Germania Airlines
Flight attendant

40 hrs./week
9 months

SEP 2011 – SEP 2012


Providing care for adults with autism

40 hrs./week
1 year

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